Non-Invasive Skin Tightening

Comprehensive Dermatology Center of Pasadena offers non-surgical skin tightening options with two advanced technologies – Pellevé® and Laser Genesis. These procedures effectively tighten moderately loose or sagging skin on the face, neck, and body, helping our patients improve their skin appearance and beauty. Here’s what you can expect from these outstanding aesthetic procedures.

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Find out about wrinkle reduction with Non-Invasive Skin Tightening.

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As part of the natural regeneration process, your skin regularly sheds old skin cells from its surface, but cell turnover slows with age, causing a dull, tired complexion.

Pellevé® is the most powerful non-surgical, non-ablative facial rejuvenation tool on the market today. Created by Ellman International, the Pellevé® system is a safe and virtually painless cosmetic treatment that reduces facial wrinkles with advanced radiofrequency technology.

The Pellevé® system delivers constant energy through electromagnetic waves to heat the dermal layers without damaging the epidermis. The heat builds where your skin and fat layers meet, causing the collagen to contract.

What to Expect

Before your Pellevé® procedure, we’ll apply a protective gel to your face. Patients say they feel a warming sensation when the Pellevé® handpiece touches the treatment area. Unlike other skin tightening systems, Pellevé® does not require anesthesia, so you can resume your routine immediately following your procedure. A complete facial treatment typically takes 45 minutes to an hour, and though mild swelling and redness may occur, this will subside quickly. Many patients notice firmer skin and fewer wrinkles right after their Pellevé® treatment, which can last up to six months; however, additional treatments may improve results. Pellevé® is quick and painless, with minimal risks, complications, or side effects.

Treatment Areas

Pellevé® is ideal for patients with mild to moderate wrinkles seeking a comfortable, virtually pain-free solution. It is effective in the following areas:

  • Sagging skin under your chin
  • Fine wrinkles around your mouth
  • Lines between your eyebrows
  • Lines and wrinkles below your eyes
  • Frown lines above your brow
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Crow’s feet
  • Neck sagging and wrinkles

Side Effects

Possible side effects of Pellevé® include mild discomfort during the procedure, redness, and swelling. However, these typically diminish within a few hours.


There is no downtime necessary for healing after a Pellevé® treatment. You may experience temporary pink, swollen skin, but you can wear makeup and resume your usual schedule immediately.

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive solution that delivers gentle heat, smoothing skin’s texture and reducing fine lines, dark spots, and wrinkles. Its primary purpose is to minimize redness, broken blood vessels, rosacea, and scarring.

Laser Genesis works for patients of all ages and skin tones. However, if you are pregnant, you should avoid laser treatments.

Laser Genesis is a quick procedure typically done in under 30 minutes by a highly trained aesthetician or dermatologist.

What to Expect

The laser is a handheld device. You will wear goggles for eye protection, and possibly a hair covering. Once the treatment begins, you will feel a pleasant warmth, like when you turn your face up to the sunshine. You can drive yourself home after the procedure.

Treatment Areas

Laser Genesis is primarily a face or neck treatment, but is also suitable for your shoulders, décolletage, and hands.

Side Effects

Laser Genesis is a low-risk procedure. The most common side effect of treatment is redness, which will typically clear within a few days. If you’ve ever had an adverse reaction to a laser, consult your doctor before a Laser Genesis treatment.


Recovery is minimal. You can resume your daily activities after leaving our office and expect to notice an improvement within three to four weeks as your skin generates collagen and reveals new cells.

For optimal results, we suggest an initial series of three to six treatments, followed by annual maintenance sessions.

Love Your Look Without Surgery

Do you dread looking in the mirror for fear of noticing new age spots and wrinkles? Fortunately, Pellevé® and Laser Genesis are now available at Comprehensive Dermatology Center of Pasadena to make you look and feel your best. We are excited about these excellent skin tightening treatments because of the dramatic, fast-acting results their advanced technologies offer.

Schedule a consultation today by calling (626) 793-7790 or contacting us online


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